Anthropology concentrations are not a documented requirement, these will not appear on degrees and there is no approval process. The following are not the sum total of possibilities, but rather possible guidelines to develop specific skills. More concentrations will be added over time.
There are many other courses offered by the department that may be of interest, so do not limit yourself to these lists. Additionally, check opportunities for field schools or study abroad programs here. Contact the Undergraduate Advisor if you have questions.
Anthropology is inherently interdisciplinary and many of the paths one could take intersect multiple subfields within anthropology and across other fields in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and beyond.
For all Concentrations: Conducting independent research or gaining experience in a research lab or field school is strongly recommended and provides an opportunity for students to gain one-on-one mentorship with faculty members. Reach out to specific faculty of interest if pursuing these options. Contact the Undergraduate Advisor if you have questions.
ANT 4905 Individual Work
ANT 4907 Research Projects in Anthropology
ANT 4911 Undergraduate Research in Anthropology
ANT 4914 Department Honors in Anthropology
Also check opportunities for field schools or study abroad programs
Health, Medicine, and Society
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An intersection of all anthropology subfields, with a heavy focus on bio-cultural aspects of health, disease, medicine, and societal influence.
Applicable Fields: Any medical or public health related field, academia and education, medical anthropology, biological anthropology fields related to health and medicine.
Foundation Courses (take 2):
ANT 2301 Human Sexuality and Culture
ANT 2464 Things Your Doctor Never Told You: Intro to Medical Anthropology
ANT 3514C Intro to Biological Anthropology or related such as BSC2010 and BSC2010L
Electives (take 9-12 credits from the following):
ANT3451 Race and Racism
ANT 3478 Global Health Culture
ANT 4462 Culture and Medicine
ANT 4468 Health and Disease in Human Evolution
ANT 4484 Anthropology of Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood Development
ANT 4531 Molecular Genetics of Disease
ANT3930 Junior Topics course related to fields
ANT4930 Special topics course – e.g., Evolutionary Medicine, Hospital Ethnography: Theory, Method, and Ethics
Can also look for related medical courses in African American Studies, Biology, Public Health, Psychology, Women’s Studies, and language courses.
Environmental Anthropology
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An intersection of all anthropology subfields. This concentration examines sustainability and the environment using methods and theories from archaeology, cultural, and biological anthropology.
Applicable Fields: Any field relevant to human interaction with the environment and sustainability
Foundation Courses:
ANT 2140 Intro to World Archaeology
ANT 4403 Environment and Cultural Behavior
Electives (take 9-12 credits from the following):
ANT 1215 Indigenous Values (Quest, GenEd H, 4K WR)
ANT 2402 Anthropology of Sustainability
ANT 3020 Humans and Animals
ANT 3080 Science & Ethics in Daily Life
ANT 3153 North American Archaeology
ANT 3186 Introduction to Zooarchaeology
ANT 3420 Consumer Culture
ANT 3467 Food and Culture
ANT 3514C Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANT 4147C Environmental Archaeology
ANT 4392 Peoples of the Arctic
ANT 4006 Human Rights and Culture
Can also look for related courses in Geology, Geography, Sustainable Studies
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A sub-discipline of biological anthropology that focuses research on non-human primates. Often intersecting with fields such as zoology, wildlife and conservation, and other animal sciences.
Applicable Fields: academia, primate research, conservation, mammal museum curator, zoo keeper, wildlife veterinarian, teaching primate or evolution courses.
Foundation Course:
ANT 3555 The Primates
Electives (take 9-12 credits from the following):
ANT 4551 Primate Cognition
ANT 4552 Primate Behavior
ANT 4554C -Primate Evolution
ANT3930 Junior Topics course in primatology – e.g., Primate Ecology
ANT4930 Special topics course in primatology – e.g., Primate Conservation, Primate Functional Morphology
Related electives
ANT4586 – Human Evolution
ANT3930/4930 Topics course in evolution, methods, museum
Statistics courses: STA2023, or related (stats in anthropology)
Outside major courses in Zoology, Wildlife and Conservation, Veterinary courses, and language courses.
Evolutionary Anatomy and Genetics
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Exploring the human skeleton and genetics can provide essential information about human evolution, health, diseases, identification, and genomic research.
Applicable Fields: academia, teaching anatomy or evolution, forensic anthropology, medical fields, human health related fields.
Foundation Courses:
ANT 3514C Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANT 3515 Human Evolutionary Anatomy
Electives (take 9-12 credits from the following):
ANT 3520 Skeleton Keys: Forensic Identification
ANT 4525 Human Osteology and Osteometry
ANT 4530 Seminar in Molecular Anthropology
ANT3930 Junior Topics course – related course topics
ANT4930 Special topics course – e.g., Human Anatomy & Embryology
Related electives
ANT4586 – Human Evolution
Topics courses in anatomy, evolution, methods, and genetics
Statistics courses: STA2023, or related (stats in anthropology)
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This concentration will prepare students for careers in archaeology or careers that require a strong background in anthropological archaeology, such as cultural heritage, historic preservation, and environmental law.
A BA or BS degree, with certain courses and experiences, is sufficient for jobs such as Archaeological Field Technician and Historical Site Interpreter. Common employers are the Federal Government (National Park Service, National Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, etc.) and cultural resource management firms in Gainesville and elsewhere. Students preparing for these jobs should have Archaeological Field Work experience and laboratory experience (either as a course or as a volunteer or intern). We strongly recommend students pursue independent research projects under the mentorship of a faculty member or while working in one of the Archaeology research labs in the department or the Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH).
Other entry-level jobs would require a minor or certificate coursework, including Museum Technician. For managerial level jobs, a 1-2 year Masters Degree or Certificate is necessary. Higher-level research and supervisory positions in and outside of academia typically require a PhD degree.
Suggested minors or cognate courses include History, Geology, Geography, Biological Anthropology, Art History, Classics, and Museum Studies, as well as language courses depending on the world area in which you interested. Talk to an advisor regarding specific courses to take.
Foundation Course:
ANT 2140 Introduction to World Archaeology
Electives (take 9-12 credits from the following):
ANT 1215 Indigenous Values (Quest, GenEd H, 4K WR, spring)
ANT 2149 Lost Tribes and Sunken Continents (GenEd H, spring)
ANT 3141 Development of World Civilization (H, fall or spring)
ANT 3153 North American Archaeology (H, fall)
ANT 3164 The Inca and Their Ancestors (H, I)
ANT 4114 Principles of Archaeology (spring) (prerequisite is ANT 2140 or ANT 3141)
AFA 3360 African American Archaeology
ANT 3181 Anthropological Museology
ANT 3420 Consumer Culture (S)
ANT 3020 Humans and Animals
ANT 4147C Environmental Archaeology
ANT 4403 Environment and Cultural Behavior
ANT3930 or 4930 Special topics course with archaeology titles
Methods courses:
ANT 3186 Introduction to Zooarchaeology
GIS 3043 Foundations of Geographic Information Systems
ANT 4525 Human Osteology and Osteometry (B)
Fieldwork courses:
ANT 4824 Field Sessions in Archaeology (spring, summer A and B)
ANT 4180L Laboratory Training in Archaeology (spring, summer A and B)
Independent coursework
ANT4905 Individual Work
ANT4907 Research Projects in Anthropology
ANT 4911 Undergraduate Research in Anthropology
ANT 4914 Department Honors in Anthropology
Can also look for related courses in
Geology, Geography, Sustainable Studies, History, Biological Anthropology, Art History, Classics, Museum Studies, and language courses.
Year 1: ANT 2140 Introduction to World Archaeology, ANT 2410 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, ANT2149 Lost Tribes and Sunken Continents
Year 2: ANT 3141, regional course, topical course, ANT 3620 Language and Culture, ANT 3514C Introduction to Biological Anthropology
Year 3: regional courses, topical courses, methods courses, independent study ANT 4905 or 4907
Spring (UF Ethiopia) and Summer sessions: ANT 4824 Field Work, ANT 4180L Laboratory Work, start Data Collection for Honors Thesis, University Scholars Program
Year 4: ANT 4114, ANT 4525, ANT 4931 Capstone in Anthropology, ANT 4911, ANT 4914, regional, topical, and methods courses